Jacksonville Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
Protect Your Assets in Florida
When planning to marry, in many cases individuals who have high-value assets and property need to protect themselves prior to the marriage with a prenuptial agreement. These agreements must be carefully drafted on an individual basis by a skilled Jacksonville divorce attorney who is familiar with such agreements and experienced in the drafting of them.
At Hutchinson Law, a family law attorney will review and evaluate your case and advise you of the type of agreement that could assist you in protecting your assets and property should the marriage end.
Schedule a case evaluation with us today!
Pitfalls of DIY Prenup Agreements
Some individuals consider that they could "save money" by attempting a do-it-yourself prenuptial agreement, whether done with a boilerplate form that was gotten online, or with a cheap service that provides the basic legal forms to customers. This is a very dangerous way to move forward with a prenup, as these agreements must be carefully drafted if you hope for them to hold up in court in the future. If you are considering a do-it-yourself prenup, it is strongly advised that you first contact a Jacksonville family law attorney to discuss your case.
At Hutchinson Law, our family law attorney can point out the legal holes in your do-it-yourself prenup. It must be understood that these agreements are often challenged in divorce court, and the skill with which they are drafted is of utmost concern if you hope to have an effective agreement that actually successfully protects your assets and property in court.
For Those Who Believe Prenuptial Agreements Are Unromantic
The idea of a prenuptial agreement could be unpopular with the intended spouse, or it could be considered that it is cold-hearted. However, it truly is a necessary legal matter when one hopes to attempt to protect their personal assets and property for themselves and their existing heirs. Even a carefully written prenuptial agreement could be challenged in court.
Contact Hutchinson Law Today
The more carefully and thoroughly written by your attorney is an important matter in such agreements. When the agreement is drafted by a professional who is familiar with such agreements, the likelihood of the challenge being successful is reduced.
If you are considering marriage and need a prenuptial agreement, contact Hutchinson Law to assist you. Hutchinson Law is experienced and skilled in the drafting of prenuptial agreements and can advise you how to proceed with this vital legal document. Don't take chances with your future with regard to property and assets. Protect yourself and your heirs with a prenuptial agreement carefully drafted by Hutchinson Law.
It is not worth taking chances when it comes to your personal property and income, and without a prenuptial agreement, many individuals have lost a large portion of their estate. Protect yourself and your family and contact the firm to discuss your case prior to marriage.
Contact a Jacksonville family lawyer from Hutchinson Law to assist you with the crucial matter of drafting prenuptial agreements.

Turn to a committed team in your time of difficulty.