Jacksonville Marital Agreement Attorney
Marital Agreement FAQ
Do premarital agreements really protect your assets?
When one is involved in a bitter divorce, there can be attacks on the premarital agreement that was signed by the ex-spouse who is now trying to get out of it. In these cases, the skill with which the agreement was written is extremely important. If your agreement is not written carefully and researched fully, the challenge could cause you trouble in the future. When seeking a skilled Jacksonville family law attorney to draft your agreement, it is critical that they are experienced and knowledgeable.
Aren't these agreements expensive?
One would have to consider how expensive it is when you lose a large portion of your personal assets when a divorce occurs. In fact, the cost varies in price depending upon the extent and complexity of the agreement. It is definitely cheaper than having a divorce without a prenuptial agreement.
Can I do a prenuptial agreement myself?
These agreements are not "boilerplate" and must be written individually if you hope to have them stand up in court when challenged. In many cases, prenuptial agreements are challenged and the skill with which the agreement is written is of vital concern. Contact Hutchinson Law to evaluate your situation and advise you of how to proceed.
Can an agreement between spouses be written after marriage?
Yes. This is called a postnuptial agreement, and is often used when two parties are separated for a period of time while working on repairing their marriage. When the partners wish to continue their marriage but are considering a separation, a postnuptial agreement can be written outlining the responsibilities of each partner in maintaining the bills, income and other factors in the marriage.
If I have a common law spouse, will I have to face spousal support in Florida?
Florida does not recognize common law marriages as legal. However, if you meet the requirements for a common law marriage and started your marriage in a state where common law marriage is recognized, your common law marriage likely will be considered legal in Florida as well.
Contact a Jacksonville marital agreement lawyer from Hutchinson Law if you need a marital agreement of any kind drafted by a skilled family law attorney.

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