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Talking to Your Children About Divorce


If you and your spouse are planning to divorce, you are probably wondering how best to approach the subject with your kids. While you may have every intention of trying to make things easier for them if you say the wrong thing you could make an already difficult situation even more traumatic. Some of the most common mistakes parents make when talking to their children about divorce are:

  • Asking your children to pick sides, or asking them to make any decisions for that matter.
  • Failing to remind your children that your decision to divorce is NOT their fault. Many kids blame themselves when their parent's divorce. Reminding your children that they are not responsible for the break up is one of the best things you can do.
  • Failing to enforce that you and your spouse will still be their mom and dad even after you get divorced and that you will always be their mom and dad.
  • Talking to your children about adult things in an effort to gain their sympathy or allegiance. Even if you hate your spouse you shouldn’t bring your children into any issues you are having.
  • Forgetting to constantly remind your children that both you and your spouse still love and care about them greatly.
  • Failing to clearly explain that things will be okay and that both you and your spouse will do everything possible to keep their lives as normal and routine as possible.

During a divorce, it’s normal to feel unsure about what to do or say to your children. But it’s important that you take this conversation seriously as what you say can have an effect on your children for years to come. Furthermore, it’s important that you take time preparing what you are going to s , since this is one of the most important conversations you will ever have with your children.

Jacksonville divorce lawyer at Hutchinson Law can help you prepare for this discussion, and would be more than happy to provide you with any resources that may help.
