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What's your Reason? Grounds for Divorce


If you are planning to divorce from your spouse, you may want to research the different laws in your state. Each state has their own jurisdictions over divorce and separation, and in most locations you must file your divorce and cite a valid reason for the split. This is known as your grounds for divorce. If you can't give a valid reason why you should get divorced, then your application may be denied. In Florida, the grounds for divorce are based on three premises. First, you must be able to state and prove that your marriage is irretrievably broken. This is a very relative concept, because a situation that one couple can handle another couple may be unable to cope with. Also, dissolution of marriage will be granted if there is no minor child in the marriage or if the courts note that there is a minor child and that they can act in the best interests of that child when dissolving the union.

In Florida, if your spouse cheated on you or your marriage was induced by fraud and deceit, then it can be annulled. This applies to marriages where the couple never had sex, because a couple that never consummated their marriage is not considered legitimate. Whether your spouse had an affair, is verbally abusive, or is simply immature and irritating to live with, citing that your marriage is irretrievably broken is enough to get you a divorce in Florida. If you do run into complications with your marriage because your spouse does not want to end it, or because you have children, then you will want the help of a professional attorney to guide you.

At Hutchinson Law, family law is our specialty. When you need help with any sort of family dispute in Florida, contact us and we can help you to clear things up in court.
