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Child Support after Divorce


Are you in the process of getting divorced and have children with your spouse? If so, you have more to worry about than hurt feelings and property division. When it comes to children, you will need to work with your partner to establish a strong, healthy relationship between both parents and the child in question.

Even if both parents are not active in the child's life, it is the duty of both to take care of the child. This is often done by one parent being asked to pay child support to help the other parent raise the child. While the parent that does not live with the child is often asked to pay child support, the court will look at the financial history of both parents when making the final decision. Should the court decide that both parents should contribute financially to the child's welfare, it is possible that one parent may pay less child support than the other.

Are you hoping to obtain child support after your divorce? Contact Hutchinson Law now to get help from a Jacksonville family lawyer who can help you seek the financial payments you need to care for your child(ren).
